Tough Topics

Not all conversations are easy ones. Discuss modern families, parent separation, sibling rivalry, and how to tell a young child you are pregnant again.


The truth about cloth vs. disposable diapers?

What’s the deal when it comes to cloth vs. disposable diapers? We’re expecting next month and this is one area that I get a ton of conflicting advice in. My mom used cloth diapers with all of her children, but this seems like a lot of hassle. I’m willing to do this, of course, if it’s really necessary. Are there alternatives?

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Better alternatives to time-out?

I hate to say it, but I think the terrible twos have started with my daughter. Time out means nothing to her. She just gets up over and over again. Parents, do any of you have tips for me on how to make time out work, or other ways to discipline her that she’ll listen to?

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Sensory bin ideas for children with Autism?

My child has mild autism and I'm trying to find some sensory items to use in a bin for her to interact with for a long time. I try play-doh but she gets bored of it.

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How to stop my toddler from biting kids at daycare!

My kid is 2 and he keeps on getting reports from his teacher that he bites others when he wants something that someone else has. I never witness it because we don't really have other friends with kids his age. So I don't know what to do.

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How do I handle toddler tantrums in public places?

My 4 year old has been recently throwing tantrums at the market for candy and it's really embarrassing so I just give in and buy her the candy. I don't want others to judge me so I give in but I know it's not the right thing to do. I would love some help on what i can do to stop these!

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Thoughts on academics vs. hands-on play?

So my kiddo is 4 and I am wondering how strict I should be with academics? I hear that children learn best through hands on play and socialization, but I also want my kiddo to excel academically. I am scared of pressuring my child too much and them becoming resistant because of it.

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Cry it out method - does it even work?

I’m having trouble embracing the CIO method with our 4-month-old. Both my mother and mother-in-law swear it’s the best way to get a baby to fall asleep faster and sleep through the night sooner. At this point, my husband and I are getting desperate for more sleep and I know our baby needs it, too. Is it really the best thing to do, or can it be stressful on the baby?

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How do I choose the right daycare?

My husband was just laid off and I need to start working full-time, at least for the time being. I’ve been a SAHM with our three-year-old since he was an infant. I’m a nervous wreck and having a super hard time leaving him with strangers. I worry that he won’t receive enough attention and care. How do you make the right choice and how can I vet potential daycares?

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How do I know if I'm spoiling my child?

Hi, mommas! My little one is an angel and I’m lucky to be able to give him most all of the things he asks for, which is a privilege I didn’t have as a kid. I’m wondering though, at what point does it become too much? When does it become spoiling him? I want him to stay as sweet as he is for a long time.

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Gender Neutral Parenting: Pros vs. Cons?

It’s really important to me that I raise my child in a way that allows her to be whoever she wants to be. She’s still really small, not sitting up just yet. I’m wondering if any of you have raised your children with a gender-neutral parenting style, what it has been like, and why you chose to do it. Also, if anyone is super opposed to gender-neutral parenting, would be interesting to hear your thoughts, as well!

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