Tough Topics

Not all conversations are easy ones. Discuss modern families, parent separation, sibling rivalry, and how to tell a young child you are pregnant again.


How do I get ready when I have little kids?!

Any tips on how to make mornings with little ones less stressful? I just returned to work last month after being a stay-at-home mom for three years, so our 3-year-old started daycare. The shift has been tough on all of us. He’s having tantrums, a hard time with wake-ups, issues with eating his breakfast, you name it.

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What is the difference between daycare and preschool? And which is better?

I’m looking for childcare for my 2-year-old and am getting frustrated. I can’t swing the cost of many and others have laughable waitlists. Plus, everyone tells me something different about what to pick. What’s the difference between preschool and daycare? Which is better?

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Tips for my son's first haircut? Thank you!!

It’s time for my son’s first haircut! Inglewood parents, where should I take him? I want someone who knows how to cut hair, but I also want to obviously take him somewhere that’s not going to scare him - getting your hair cut (especially for boys) for the first time can be so scary! Help please! Any suggestions or ideas you have are welcome :)

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How do I stop my kids from being so clingy?

How can I encourage my little ones to be more independent? I feel like they are so clingy, and I thought that they would get more independent as they got into preschool age, but the problem only seems to be getting worse. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

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How do I get my husband onboard for teaching my children Arabic?

My husband is against me teaching my kids Arabic, he says kids will make fun of them in school. I feel that it’s not fair for them to not speak the language when both parents and family speak it.

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When should I talk to my young kids about racism?

When is a good time to begin confronting racism and prejudices with my children? It's really important to me that I start with them early, but can it be possible that it is too early for them to even grasp what I am talking about? Really needing some advice on this.

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How do I find a balance when trying to help encourage my child to grow?

How can we best encourage our little ones without pushing too hard or hand holding too much? It's something I really struggle with and I feel like no matter what I do things are out of balance. Anyone else deal with these feelings? Maybe this is the "mom guilt" everyone has been talking about?

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How to get my son to eat healthy lunches at school!

The school my son goes to serves so much junk! Juice comes with every meal and there's barely anything with nutritional value. How do I help my baby get the nutrients?

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My son is afraid to use public restrooms - help please!

My kiddo's been potty trained for the past 3 months now but refuses to pee anywhere in public. Begs to go home. Any ideas?

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How do I teach my child not to use curse words?

I accidentally said a bad word in front of my 5 year old last week and now he won't stop repeating it. Any suggestions?

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