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Pregnancy & Childbirth

A lot goes on during nine months of pregnancy. Discuss everything related to childbirth including morning sickness, preparing for childbirth, and selecting the right pediatrician.


How do I know if I have postpartum depression?

I am feeling depressed a lot - is this "baby blues" or postpartum depression? Has anyone dealt with this? I'm really worried.

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Tips for producing more breastmilk?

I am worried that I am not making enough milk. Any tips?

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What is Meconium and does it really stain?

I am newly pregnant and keep reading online about Meconium and how it stains. What is this actually and any tips or tricks?

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Where should I buy maternity clothes in Gardena?

So I’ve gotten to the point in my pregnancy where I can no longer wear any of my normal clothes anymore. I’ve done some shopping for maternity clothes, but I feel like all of the ones I’ve seen have been either ugly, too expensive for clothes I’m only going to be able to wear for just a few months, or they’ve been ugly AND too expensive! Please help - where should I look for maternity clothes? I’m in Gardena. Thank you thank you thank you.

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Cry it out method - does it even work?

I’m having trouble embracing the CIO method with our 4-month-old. Both my mother and mother-in-law swear it’s the best way to get a baby to fall asleep faster and sleep through the night sooner. At this point, my husband and I are getting desperate for more sleep and I know our baby needs it, too. Is it really the best thing to do, or can it be stressful on the baby?

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Best nursing chairs?

I’m about to have my second child, and I want to get a nursing chair for our home! We didn’t have one when I was nursing my oldest, and we can finally afford one this time around. What are the best nursing chairs out there? Any specific details I should look for while shopping for a breastfeeding chair?

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Should I go back to work or be a stay-at-home mom?

I was working in the service industry before my daughter was born, but she is about five months now and I still haven’t gone back to work. My husband has assured me that he can support us and I don’t need to go back to work if I don’t want to. I can’t decide if I should go back to work or be a stay-at-home mom though. I miss my job a lot, but I think I might feel guilty working when I could be spending time with my daughter instead. Any SAHMs or career moms who can give me some advice on this?

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Breastfeeding vs. Formula?

I’m a brand new mom and after all of the books I read when I was pregnant, I had decided I wanted to breastfeed my son when he was born, but it’s so hard for me. It hurts and we’ve been having a lot of difficulty with him latching on. What are your opinions on breastfeeding vs. formula. Is it really that bad if we don’t go the breastfeeding route?

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When can infants drink water?

I've researched a lot and keep getting different answers: when can my infant drink water? And how should I introduce it to her?

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Colic in Babies - Advice!

My baby has been crying since he was born 4 days ago. I am so scared that something is wrong but I googled it and talked to my doctor and they told me it's Colic. I still feel so uncomfortable with it and feel like I am hurting my child. What are some ways I can relieve my baby of this? Please help!

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