I’m a brand new mom and after all of the books I read when I was pregnant, I had decided I wanted to breastfeed my son when he was born, but it’s so hard for me. It hurts and we’ve been having a lot of difficulty with him latching on. What are your opinions on breastfeeding vs. formula. Is it really that bad if we don’t go the breastfeeding route?
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15 Replies
Lorena posted September 3, 2019
I know your pain. When I had my son, he was a very aggressive baby and it hurt SO BAD. I think because he ate so much though, it actually helped me lose a lot of the baby weight very quickly. In a few months, I was actually skinnier than I had been before I got pregnant because he was feeding so much. So that definitely made it worth it!Tania posted September 3, 2019
I was on some medication that affected my breast milk, and so we started from formula from the very beginning. Our pediatrician assured us that it was the best option, and wouldn’t be too different for our daughter. Upside: super convenient, made it easier to take her to daycare because I didn’t have to transition her or worry about pumping. Biggest downside was the expense! Breast milk is free, formula is $$$Vibion posted September 4, 2019
You know what's best for your baby and you. Formula can be expensive but at daycare we offer it for free through a food program. You would also have to find which formula works best for your baby because some of them cause a baby to spit up more than usualJeniffer posted September 4, 2019
Food is food! Don't beat yourself up for switching to formula! I did both! My son loved it, breast feeding for the first few months is better because it builds their immune system, but formula is not a bad thing! Dont let others tell you otherwise.❤ Do what is best for you mama!Jasmine posted September 4, 2019
This is preference. It depends on how you feel. I breastfed all 3 kids for 18 month to 2 yrs. It was hard beginning and how at the end when weaning. But I would do it again. Many people formula feed that's also ok if that's what you want.Ashley posted September 4, 2019
Breastmilk is far superior to anything you could feed your baby. I would say pump and tough it out as long as you possibly can! Then do your research and get samples of several different formulas.. What works for one baby may not work for another and you may go through a couple brands before you find a formula your baby loves. Again, breast is best and it’s a blessing that your lzAshley posted September 4, 2019
It’s a blessing that you were able to breastfeed* Good luck and God bless 💙Bethany posted September 4, 2019
Fed is best. That’s all. Sure, I can go into the semantics of pros and cons, but if you are unable to breastfeed for whatever reason, you aren’t going to be hurting your child by giving them formula. Fed is fed. If you set on breast feeding, try pumping and giving them a bottle. Even if you have to mix the breast milk with the formula, at least it’s partial.Laura posted September 4, 2019
I know the struggle your going through & it’s a really hard decision to make. I had a really hard time with my first two and had to formula feed and the third one I had better luck but I am still supplementing with formula. Give formula a shot and try to keep pushing through and see if it gets better for you. Either way fed is best and a happy Mama is definitely best. Don’t best yourself up!Nicole posted September 6, 2019
You can always pump and bottle feed. It took mine 3 weeks before she could latch to the boobNicole posted September 6, 2019
If you do formula Similac will send you a free sample kit and coupons for their productKim posted September 10, 2019
Fed is best ...he’ll be fine either way!Tasha posted September 12, 2019
Breastmilk aids in digestion and results in less diarrhea or constipation. Although formula may not contain all of the components of breastmilk, there are some brands that come close. If your baby is having difficulty latching on and you are in pain, discuss formula brands with your baby's physician.Maile posted September 24, 2019
I breastfeed both my kids till they were both two and it has really helped with their immune system, they rarely get sick. I believe a health baby is best whether they are breastfeed or formula feed. My cousin is in a similar situation as yourself and she pumps and then feeds the baby. She is still getting the nutriates and pumping seems less harsh on her breast.Audrey posted January 7, 2020
See a lactation consultant