I am worried that I am not making enough milk. Any tips?
6 Replies
Monica posted November 1, 2019
There are lots of foods and teas marketed for increasing milk supply - maybe test out a few and see if you notice any changes! I found I noticed a small difference but ultimately couldn’t breast feed as long as I wished I could haveKatie posted November 1, 2019
The best way is nursing on demand and LOTS of skin to skin contact with your baby. My first I really struggled with making enough milk but I took this advice with my second and it was MUCH easierYvette posted November 4, 2019
The key to produce more milk is supply and demand. If you remove more milk from your breasts then more milk will be produced. I found that nursing frequently and offering both sides of breasts did the trick! Consider adding pumping sessions after or between nursing sessions as well, especially if your baby is not nursing frequently enough. This can help with increasing milk production further, as pumping helps to continue removing more milk from the breasts.Maile posted November 6, 2019
mothers milk tea or cookies helped meAnnabel posted November 12, 2019
Yes it is very important to drink plenty fluids like water and milk , but also you need to eat corn créame made of MASECA flour in boiling water and cinnamon stick.... That’s one of the ancient receipts to produce more breast milk., it really works and it’s very healthy for both mom &baby.Audrey posted January 7, 2020
Power pump, eat oatmeal, lots of fluids and latch baby on as much as possible, it’s supply and demand