I was working in the service industry before my daughter was born, but she is about five months now and I still haven’t gone back to work. My husband has assured me that he can support us and I don’t need to go back to work if I don’t want to. I can’t decide if I should go back to work or be a stay-at-home mom though. I miss my job a lot, but I think I might feel guilty working when I could be spending time with my daughter instead. Any SAHMs or career moms who can give me some advice on this?
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7 Replies
Fernanda posted September 16, 2019
I’ve stayed home with my family ever since my oldest was born. It’s the most special time when they’re small, and I don’t want to miss a minute of it.Kendall posted September 16, 2019
I’m like you, I missed work a lot. It was hard to find the right daycare provider for our family at first, but once my Liam was enrolled in a wonderful daycare, I didn’t feel guilty and it really helped me get back on my feet after my pregnancy. It feels good coming home to him everyday, and I’m even more motivated at work because I’m working hard for my son!Maile posted September 24, 2019
After having my two kids and returning back to work I found it more difficult. I was a workaholic prior to having my kids. After having my son I was determined more than anything to find a way i could stay home with the kids and make money. When my son turned 1 I decided to open an in home daycare. I am six months in and haven't looked back. The best advice I received while in limbo of making the decision to leave my JOB and stay home was this: "Your kids are only young for a short period of time.."Kori posted September 29, 2019
This is a big decision, therefore you definitely have to weigh everything. If you are able to take the additional time off work to be a sahm and your family will be comfortable financially, go for it! Enjoy the quality time. Since you miss your job, find fun mommy and me activities to do that are age appropriate as so that you are not inside all day as that may push you to feel you need to be back around other adults in the working environment. Also, if ultimately you decide to go back to work, don't feel guilty!Maggie posted September 30, 2019
If I had the option to stay at home with my children, I would definitely choose to do so. My mother was a stay at home and I definitely experienced the benefits of it, she would take us and pick us up from school every day and was involved in every school activity. I feel guilty I can't do the same for my children.Audrey posted January 7, 2020
Enjoy every minute it goes by so fast. Find a hobby or volunteer. Also you can maybe get a part time job online or somethingHinda posted March 16, 2023
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