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Your toddler is on the move and keeping up is a challenge. Discuss walking, speech development, making friends at daycare, and potty training.


How can we prevent my daughter from having potty accidents?

My Sammy keeps having accidents. She has been potty trained for over a year, but she tends to hold it in until the very last minute. That’s fine when we’re at home because she can run to the bathroom, but when we’re in the car or out in public it means lots of accidents. Help us out!

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Should I let my toddler drink soda?

I’ve been very careful to make sure my twins really only have healthy food. When we go out, they get a glass of water or milk (rarely juice), and their diet is very healthy. I’m proud of it! But they spent some time with my sister and their older cousins yesterday and I found out they gave my little ones soda, which (no surprise) they loved. Should I nip this in the bud? Is it something that is unavoidable? And are there any sodas that I specifically shouldn’t let them have?

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How do I tell my 3 year-old I'm pregnant again?

We’re pregnant again and I’m wondering when and how to tell my daughter. She’s three.

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How do I get my toddler's pee stains out of his bed?

My little one keeps having accidents on our bed and I can’t seem to get the pee smell out! How can I clean it? I tried detergent, but the smell still hasn’t gone away. Anyone experienced this?

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Tips for raising a bilingual child!

We’re trying to raise our little one with both English and Spanish! Any tips on raising a bilingual child?

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What activities will help my toddler learn?

Hey mommas :) What are some activities I can do with my toddler to help him learn?

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How do I get my 2 year-old to talk more?

My little man just turned two and he doesn’t seem to be talking as much as the other kids his age that we know. The pediatrician said he’s a little behind. He speaks pretty often, just not in very long sentences. He mostly just says one or two words at a time. I’m going to start him in daycare this week, so hopefully being around other kids who are talking will help. Any advice for me on helping him talk a little more?

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How do I get my son to stop needing his pacifier?

My two-year-old is addicted to his pacifier. He sleeps with one in his mouth and also one in both hands! Does anyone have any good tips on the best way to help transition a toddler to not using the pacifier anymore?

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