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How much screen time is okay for my kids?

My little ones spent some time with their grandparents over the weekend, and my mom let them play some games on her iPad. My kids weren’t interested in my phone or iPad before, but they sure are now! They won’t stop bugging me about playing games on them. Is it bad for kids to have to be exposed to things like this? How much time is too much screen time?

5 Likes 3 Replies


Taylor posted June 5, 2019

You should definitely be careful with letting them have too much screen time, especially if they’re really little! Kids develop fine motor skills by playing with REAL toys, and that’s really important when they’re little. I would limit screen time as much as possible. Basically, only let them use it when you’re in a very sticky situation like they’re throwing a fit on an airplane… 0 Likes

Lily posted June 5, 2019

I’d say the best way to view it is as an opportunity to educate your kiddos. If they’re going to be addicted to your tablet, they may as well be playing educational games (not Candy Crush!!!!). There are so many free or inexpensive games you can download for them to play. We have Monkey Preschool Lunchbox, Elmo Loves ABCs, and Wood Puzzle! 1 Like

Isaac posted June 9, 2019

We won't always be there to control their experiences, so I think the best approach is to equip them with the right skills for the real world. Of course, what this looks like differs by age. A simple place to start is by setting a good example. Allocate some screen-free time for yourself to ensure you're fully present when they're around. 0 Likes