
Your toddler is on the move and keeping up is a challenge. Discuss walking, speech development, making friends at daycare, and potty training.


How do I encourage my toddler to be active?

What are some “active” playtime ideas I can do with our 4-year-old? We’re in an apartment without a yard, so ideally indoor-friendly unless we’re at the park. Want my son to start building good habits because his older brother is way too into video games.

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Best toddler pajamas?

My kid is 2 years old and he only wants to wear PJs that are super hero themed! Super hero themed anything can get pricey after a while and I was wondering how I can convince him to choose other options for toddler pajamas?

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How do I get my picky toddler to eat healthier?

My toddler is a picky eater and I want her to eat more than chicken nuggets and mac & cheese. But when it comes to veggies and fruit, she tends to shut down very quickly and refuse to eat. What are some fun ideas to encourage kids to eat healthier?

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What is the best milk for toddlers to be drinking?

I want to ween my baby off of breastmilk since I will be going to work soon and would love to see what other parents think the best milk would be for a 6 month old?

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Tips for traveling alone with a toddler!

Looking for tips on successful solo travel (basically free of a meltdown) with a 2 year old. I’ll be flying with him alone for the first time - my husband is deployed overseas and we’re going to visit his parents on the east coast. I’m pretty terrified of the 5 hour flight with zero help.

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How do I get my toddler to begin speaking in full sentences?

My son is about 18 months, and he knows quite a few words, but he uses few full sentences and pronounces most of the words wrong. Should I try to find him a speech pathologist, or am I just worrying about nothing? Is there any reason not to take him to see one just in case?

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Things to do with kids in Pasadena?

I’m a Pasadena mommy needing ideas for weekend activities in Pasadena! My daughters are 3 and 5 years old. I feel like the little one is finally big enough to do more things with her sister. Any ideas for us?

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When do I start introducing solid foods to my baby? She's 4 months.

Do I have to start feeding solid food to my baby at four months? We’re almost at that mark and I’m hesitant. She is breastfeeding well and on a great schedule now, but it took us a few weeks to get her there as a newborn - don’t wanna disrupt our good flow now.

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Best Places to Have a Kid Birthday Party in Los Angeles?

The terrible twos are almost over because my daughter’s 3rd birthday is coming up! I’m trying to figure out what we should do for her birthday. I don’t think she remembers her first or second birthdays, so this will probably be the first birthday she remembers. I want to make it a good one! She is obsessed with animals, but I don’t want to do a petting zoo because that seems like such a hassle. Any ideas for an LA area family?

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Best Los Angeles camps for preschoolers!

Our kids are far apart in age at 3 and 10. Our oldest is making plans for summer camp, making it a very frequent topic around the house. Now our preschooler wants to go to camp, too. He’s obviously too young for overnight camps, but WDYT? Any local reccs? Part of me is excited about the alone time I’d get if I could sync up their camp schedules.

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