
Your toddler is on the move and keeping up is a challenge. Discuss walking, speech development, making friends at daycare, and potty training.


My son hates sharing! How can I teach my toddler to share?

Our (nearly) 3 YO is supposed to start daycare in a few weeks. He is pretty easy going compared to some children - not too picky or stubborn in most situations. The big issue we have right now though is that he hatesss sharing. My sister and her kiddos just moved down the street so he’s had a lot of cousin time all of the sudden (2 and 4 YOs). He’s not down for them to play with his toys at all. He hoards them and fully loses it if the other kids try to even touch his toys. How do we tackle before daycare starts?

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When should I start taking my toddler to the dentist?

Hi, moms! My daughter’s first teeth are starting to come in and now I’m wondering when and how we’re supposed to start caring for her teeth! When do we start needing to brush her teeth? When should we take her to the dentist? Thank you!

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What are your favorite parks with playgrounds in the San Fernando Valley?

It’s starting to get warmer and I want to spend some time outside with my little one, but we don’t have a yard. We’re in the Lake Balboa / Reseda area. What are your favorite parks and why? Playgrounds, please!

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Outdoor activities for kids in Glendale?

My son has a ton of energy and I need to get him out of our tiny apartment or he’s going to start bouncing off the walls! Please help me find somewhere outdoors in the Glendale area where he (and I) can let off some steam!

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Train rides/activities for kids in Los Angeles?

For my twins’ first birthday, their auntie bought them a Thomas the Train set. They ignored it and wouldn’t play with it at all - until a few weeks ago when they became obsessed with it! Now all they talk about are trains. Trains, trains, trains! Where should an LA momma take her train-obsessed kiddos? We live on the edge of Burbank!

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Best daycare in the Inglewood area?

Looking for a daycare in the Inglewood / Mar Vista / Playa Vista area that accepts kids that aren’t potty trained yet! Please give me recommendations! PS: Extra points if the daycare provides potty training.

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What are the best libraries in Hollywood for little kids?

Hollywood mommy looking for some libraries to take my little ones to! All the better if they have some activities for kids - I don’t want to be the only one with little ones who don’t know how to use their library voices yet! Thanks in advance, ladies :)

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What are the best children's hair salons in the Valley Village area?

My son is almost two and a half and we’ve never cut his hair before! He has these beautiful curls and I’ve never been able to bring myself to take him to have it trimmed. It’s gotten really long though, and so I’ve decided it’s time for his first haircut! Do I take him to the woman who cuts my hair or is there something more child-friendly? For reference, we’re in the Valley Village area. Thanks in advance!

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My little one came home from childcare with a scrape on his knee!

We placed my son in daycare about three weeks ago. I felt very lucky with the spot he was able to get, and confident that the teachers at his daycare were more than adequate. However, he came home today with a pretty big scrape on his knee. When I asked him what happened, he said he was running outside and fell. I was relieved that it was just an accident and that it wasn’t a problem with one of the other kids, but shouldn’t the teachers have said something about it to me? It was a big scrape. Probably almost three inches long. Not sure if I should wait and see if they bring it up or say something about it tomorrow morning when I drop him off.

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Best kid-friendly museums in LA?

I’m a West Hollywood mom and I’m wondering how young is too young to take kiddos to museums? I want to avoid another one of those nightmare outings haha. I have a 6 year-old daughter and a 3 year-old son. I’m not worried about my daughter, but my son sometimes has tantrums in public. Are there any good museums to take kids to in LA?

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