How do I reward my child when they’re potty training?

I want to be more creative about how I’m rewarding my daughter as she’s potty training. She’s not big on stickers and I don’t want to give her any treats. What are other things you’ve tried?

3 Likes 10 Replies


Irina posted February 5, 2020

Sing a song! It’s especially fun if there’s a couple of family members involved and you can sing, “Lulu is a star, Lulu used the potty!” and do a song and dance type thing. Just improvise and have fun with it–cheer her on! 0 Likes

Gina posted February 5, 2020

One fun thing we’ve started doing at our house is collecting marbles in a jar. Once the jar is full, you can “reward” her with a fun activity like going to the park or painting art together! 0 Likes

Tiffaney posted February 6, 2020

Little ones love treasure boxes. She can pick something out of the treasure box when she goes potty. You can fill the box with different things from the dollar tree. 0 Likes

Amrin posted February 6, 2020

The only reward is love. Children see us as their heroes so rewarding them with your excitement even on the toughest days is the best advice I can give. Think of it this way, you are working hard on a new skill at work and your boss rewards you with a bonus to appreciate you. This makes you want to keep going. In the case of children, they want your love. 0 Likes

Cynthia posted February 6, 2020

We read to my 3 year old while he's going potty. 0 Likes

Tonda posted February 6, 2020

this is easy, during potty time we sing tinkle tinlke little star, yes we changed the words abit, but the kids love to sing it during potty time, than after they get a potty treat, it is a one small marshmallow they seen to love it, 0 Likes

Emily posted February 6, 2020

I do Family Child Care. I have a potty chart that isn't instant gratification. It was online and there is a Princess path and a Train path and they put a sticker on one block(about 20 blocks in all) after going and when it is filled in they get to pick a treat out of the potty treat box. They loved it. They funny thing is that they would bring in idea's. The greatest was how about 1 for pee 1 for poop and 3 if both. It became a math game as well. They started counting how many stickers they had and how many to go! Bought the stickers at the Dollar tree. Small one's like dots worked best. 1 Like

Nikki posted February 6, 2020

Hi Dawn! One excellent way is by getting one of the many Potty Training Charts on the web (most free!) and make it a very special experiencing by letting her stamp the chart with her favorite character at each accomplished moment throughout her day! the two of you can make it a girls shopping trip to purchase the very special stamp or simply order them online at amazon to get within just days. 0 Likes

Doreena posted February 6, 2020

At my home preschool earn happy 😃 coupons and lots and lots of praise for just trying and for getting the job done 😊💕. At the end of the week they get to trade in their coupons for a prize in the treasure box. 0 Likes

Valjean posted February 9, 2020

Stickers are always good. 1 sticker for trying and 2 for going. 0 Likes