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My son is afraid to use public restrooms - help please!

My kiddo's been potty trained for the past 3 months now but refuses to pee anywhere in public. Begs to go home. Any ideas?

1 Like 2 Replies


Danisha posted November 25, 2019

The transition for kiddos when it comes to potty training can sometimes be traumitizing. I would suggest asking why he isn't wanting to go? And ask him "what can i do to make you feel more comfortable?" sometimes just feeling like they are heard and addressed, will flip a switch! 0 Likes

Lauren posted November 25, 2019

Honestly, i know it's horrible. But i bribe my kiddos. I say that it's a "reward" for trying new things. Maybe you can reward him with a trip to the park or something and let him know that you know it's scary but that everything "new" is always scary. :) 0 Likes