Your child’s brain is growing every day! Discuss learning and education topics like how to raise a bilingual child, language development, and tools for helping your little one learn.
Hey mamas! I’m realizing that it’s way more difficult to find multicultural books and toys out there, but representation is really important to my husband and I so we’re looking for any suggestions!
She’s 2 y.o and has limited communication, does not interact much with other children, and takes part in minimal play. I know she needs to be evaluated but I’m trying to prepare myself. Can other mamas share some of their experiences?
Hi providers!! I need some ideas...I have a few students with some developmental delays and Im wondering if anyone has ideas on some fun activities we can do as a class that are also educational?? Anything helps! Thank you!!
Hey ladies!! Im Cooped up at the daycare with kids and running out of ideas for learning activities to keep them busy and learning. If anyone has any ideas of types of activities they're doing and can share that would be SO SO helpful! You know how helpful details are for thesee things so I appreciate all the help I can get - tell me everything I need all the steps I will do these tomorrow with our class!! 🙏
Hey providers, any ideas for indoor activities to keep the kids busy? I still have 6 kids at my home daycare and I’m trying to stay creative and positive. Let me know what you guys are doing to keep the kids busy! TIA 💕
The weather has been horrible recently and I’m looking for some fun indoor “rainy day” activities. Any ideas are appreciated!!
Hey mamas! I’ve been having a hard time finding multicultural books and authors to read to our little one. Representation is really important to my husband and I so we’re looking for any suggestions!
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Mamas - my toddler is growing up and I want her to develop good habits! How do I teach her?
My daycare provider has school age kids so I’m taking the week off to hang with my little guy! What are some fun activities other mamas have planned for winter break?
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Hi there! I’m interested in finding a few books that have characters with autism in them. There’s an autistic child in my son’s class, but it’s also something that I’d love for him to learn about early on. Any suggestions? Thank you!!!