Behavior & Development

Your little one is growing quickly. It’s time to discuss developmental and behavioral topics like teething, starting solids, and weaning your toddler off of the pacifier.


How to keep my toddler from rolling off his bed at night!

My child has been having a hard time sleeping in one position and is always rolling over! He's only 3 so I get it, but I wonder if placing a railing on the bed would hurt him? I currently let him roll onto another mattress that we have laying on the ground, but I also want to let his body learn that rolling will hurt if nothing is there. Is this wrong?

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When can I start using a baby sling?

My husband wants to begin using a baby sling for our 4 month old and I don't know if it's too early or if that's the best route to take. I'm scared it may be bad for my baby's posture. Opinions?

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How regular should my child's bedtime be?

How strict should my husband and I be about bedtime for our 5-year-old? He never stays up too late, of course, but we have trouble getting him to bed at a consistent time each night - partly because of my husband’s unpredictable work schedule. Our LO wants to wait up for him. Does this matter?

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2 and a half year-old won't potty train!

Our girl is past the 2 1/2 year mark and is just not down to potty train. I can tell she is ready in some ways (wants her diapers changed asap) but we’re having a hard time transitioning. Don’t wanna force it before she’s ready, but worried I’m screwing her up if she wears diapers for too long.

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Do toddler seats work for potty training?

My husband and I have been trying to potty train my son but we have been struggling with him wanting to sit on the toilet. We currently use a training potty for him but he resists so much! I'd love to get feedback on what other people use. Any tips for potty training? Should we get a toddler seat?

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How do I encourage my toddler to be active?

What are some “active” playtime ideas I can do with our 4-year-old? We’re in an apartment without a yard, so ideally indoor-friendly unless we’re at the park. Want my son to start building good habits because his older brother is way too into video games.

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How do I get my picky toddler to eat healthier?

My toddler is a picky eater and I want her to eat more than chicken nuggets and mac & cheese. But when it comes to veggies and fruit, she tends to shut down very quickly and refuse to eat. What are some fun ideas to encourage kids to eat healthier?

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What is the best milk for toddlers to be drinking?

I want to ween my baby off of breastmilk since I will be going to work soon and would love to see what other parents think the best milk would be for a 6 month old?

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Need ideas for kid activity tables!

So recently I have been catching my daughter scribbling on the walls and my couch because she has just discovered "art" at her daycare. I am worried that my house will look like piece of crumbled up paper when she's done with it. I need ideas on activity tables and what she can do on them so that she doesn't use her energy toward our house walls!

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Tips for traveling alone with a toddler!

Looking for tips on successful solo travel (basically free of a meltdown) with a 2 year old. I’ll be flying with him alone for the first time - my husband is deployed overseas and we’re going to visit his parents on the east coast. I’m pretty terrified of the 5 hour flight with zero help.

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