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Behavior & Development

Your little one is growing quickly. It’s time to discuss developmental and behavioral topics like teething, starting solids, and weaning your toddler off of the pacifier.


When should I start taking my toddler to the dentist?

Hi, moms! My daughter’s first teeth are starting to come in and now I’m wondering when and how we’re supposed to start caring for her teeth! When do we start needing to brush her teeth? When should we take her to the dentist? Thank you!

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Should I have kids close in age or farther apart?

My partner and I just had our first child. We’re brand new parents! Anyway, she’s almost a year and we’re starting to decide if we want to try to have another child sooner or later. Parents, what are your opinions on having kids close in age or a bit more spaced out? Does it really make a difference?

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How do I tell my child they can't play football?

My seven year old wants to play pop warner football next season, but I'm concerned about the long-term safety of him doing so. I don't want him to miss out on socializing with his friends, but I would prefer to steer him toward something safer. Anyone else encounter this, or am I worrying too much?

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My son is teething and won't eat! Advice?

My little one has started teething and it has been so painful for him that feeding has been really difficult! He barely takes his bottle at all, but I can tell he’s hungry because I can hear his stomach making noises! I’ve tried Motrin and even some Tylenol, but I don’t want to keep giving him those and they didn’t seem to help anyway.

How do I get him to eat?

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Best pediatric dentists in Palmdale?

My son’s first tooth just started coming in and now I’m starting to look for pediatric dentists for him! I’m worried, though. He always acts up when I take him to see his pediatrician. He really doesn’t seem to like doctor’s offices, and that makes me think he’ll be anxious going to the dentist, too! Have any of you found any super kid-friendly pediatric dentists? We’re in the Palmdale area.

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How can we prevent my daughter from having potty accidents?

My Sammy keeps having accidents. She has been potty trained for over a year, but she tends to hold it in until the very last minute. That’s fine when we’re at home because she can run to the bathroom, but when we’re in the car or out in public it means lots of accidents. Help us out!

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How do I keep my newborn from crying after bath time?

Does anyone have advice on what to do after bathtime? My daughter is almost 7 weeks and she’s happy in the bath, but when we take her out she gets upset and cries for 10 to 15 minutes. I always make sure to wrap her in a towel as soon as we take her out and I’ve even started heating the room to almost 80 degrees! Any tips on how to keep her from getting so upset or how to calm her down quickly after taking her out of the water?

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How do I get my 2 year-old to talk more?

My little man just turned two and he doesn’t seem to be talking as much as the other kids his age that we know. The pediatrician said he’s a little behind. He speaks pretty often, just not in very long sentences. He mostly just says one or two words at a time. I’m going to start him in daycare this week, so hopefully being around other kids who are talking will help. Any advice for me on helping him talk a little more?

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How do I get my son to stop needing his pacifier?

My two-year-old is addicted to his pacifier. He sleeps with one in his mouth and also one in both hands! Does anyone have any good tips on the best way to help transition a toddler to not using the pacifier anymore?

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