Whether you are a first-time parent or you’ve done this before, there is always more to learn! Discuss things like tips for weaning your little one off of the pacifier, potty training hacks, and how to put a child in time-out.
Hey mamas! I’m pregnant with my first child and I’ve been thinking about doing placenta encapsulation! Any thoughts or experiences you can share?
Mine is 21 mos and really only sucks while sleeping or upset/sick. I still worry as he already looks to be developing an overbite and want to start early. Ideas? Opinions? Should I just wait and see if he grows out of it or try to encourage him to stop?
Mamas - my toddler is growing up and I want her to develop good habits! How do I teach her?
Parents! I have an infant and my husband and I are trying to figure out what app to use to track his feedings, diapers, pumping etc. Any suggestions?
Career question! Who’s had the job of your dream or a leadership position that you worked really hard to get to and then a baby led you to step down or walk away from your job/position? What'd you do? Any advice?
Parents! My baby’s poop is weirdly colored. What does that mean?
From crying and yelling to snapping back into the happiest mood in a very short time span, my daughter’s emotions are very wide-ranging. Recently, she’s been really fresh; how do you deal with a super sassy 5 year old?!
I totally goofed and lost my son’s favorite toy during one transition or another! Any suggestions on ways to break the news to him? I know he’s young but he’s going to be heartbroken!
My baby is 4 weeks old and has had acne on his cheeks, nose, and forehead for a couple of weeks now. Is this normal? How do I treat it? Not gonna lie, I'm starting to get worried!
The jealousy phase just hit my toddler HARD. She not only refuses to interact with the baby, but she also takes it out on all of us–my mom, my husband, everyone!! What can I do?!
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