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Not sure if I’m ready to step away from my job for the baby - help!

Career question! Who’s had the job of your dream or a leadership position that you worked really hard to get to and then a baby led you to step down or walk away from your job/position? What'd you do? Any advice?

3 Likes 7 Replies


Cecile posted February 21, 2020

Hi! For the last four years, I’ve worked as a nurse and loved my job. However, when I gave birth to my daughter last year, I put my career on hold. At first, I missed my job. Now, I could care less. I love spending my days at home. We adjusted to living on one income and love the dynamic we’ve created for our daughter and our life. 0 Likes

Nikia posted February 21, 2020

I’m a lawyer and used to work 96/hr week before having kids. Since having my babies, I’ve stepped down to 40/hr week and I love doing both. I didn’t feel like I could stay at home with kids all day. For me, being a 24/7 mom is more difficult than being a lawyer. My job outside of the house gives me time away from home to socialize and be myself. I think you just have to find what works best for you. We are also lucky we found great daycare for both of them and used to have a great nanny as well. 0 Likes

Anabell posted February 23, 2020

Always there are time to enjoy with your baby as a provider and a mom I think the management of your work also is important for future of your baby. Enjoying the time that you are with baby . 0 Likes

Janelle posted February 25, 2020

Good morning, I'm sure most of us have.. I would say you what you need to do for the sake of your child but don't get comfortable... Make sure you write down every day that this is just a part of the process and that you will be going back to your dream job soon.. 0 Likes

Marie posted February 25, 2020

After working my entire teens, 20's and most of my 30's I had my first child at 36 and my second at 37. I hated leaving the house with those big crocodile tears! I too started to question whether I worked or stayed home. I made the decision to stay home, I opened up my own licensed daycare and after 28 years I've never looked back!! I was so blessed to have had the opportunity to stay home with my kids and love and cherish so many more!! 0 Likes

Heather posted March 17, 2020

Being a stay at home mom isn’t for everyone and if you love your job keep it, a happy women makes a happier mommy ♥️ 0 Likes

Aliza posted June 2, 2020

I went back to work at 11 weeks post pardum. I didn’t love my job but staying at home by myself with the baby was harder!! 0 Likes