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Learning & Education

Your child’s brain is growing every day! Discuss learning and education topics like how to raise a bilingual child, language development, and tools for helping your little one learn.


Best Los Angeles camps for preschoolers!

Our kids are far apart in age at 3 and 10. Our oldest is making plans for summer camp, making it a very frequent topic around the house. Now our preschooler wants to go to camp, too. He’s obviously too young for overnight camps, but WDYT? Any local reccs? Part of me is excited about the alone time I’d get if I could sync up their camp schedules.

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Tips for teaching my kids Spanish?

Hi mamas! My husband and I are Hispanic, and we would really like to raise our kids to be bilingual and speak Spanish, but it's a different experience for them than it was for my husband and I. When we grew up, our parents really only spoke Spanish. My husband and I mostly speak English at home. Do you have any tips for us to help raise our kids to speak Spanish? They're ages 3 and 4!

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At what age do kids learn how to spell their own names?

At what age do kids usually pick up on writing and spelling out their own names? My stepson seems to have it down but his twin sister, not so much. They are 4.

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What are the best libraries in Hollywood for little kids?

Hollywood mommy looking for some libraries to take my little ones to! All the better if they have some activities for kids - I don’t want to be the only one with little ones who don’t know how to use their library voices yet! Thanks in advance, ladies :)

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Best swim schools for kids in Hollywood?

Summer is almost here and I have some questions. First, when is the best time to teach a child to swim? My daughters are 2 and 5. Is the little one big enough yet for learning? Second, we don’t have a pool, but we’ll be by water this summer when we go on vacation, so I want them to learn. Has anyone taken their kids to any swim schools near the Hollywood area, and any recommendations or advice?

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What is the best instrument for a toddler to learn?

My oldest (9) has been learning how to play the piano for a few months now. Naturally, his little sister wants to follow in his footsteps. I just keep wondering if her fingers are too small to play the piano, though. She’s only three! Is three old enough to learn how to play the piano, and if it is, is there a better instrument for her to learn how to play instead?

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What do you think about the Waldorf method?

I recently watched a video about a growing movement of parents who want to eliminate technology in the classroom and instead focus on real-world interaction and holistic skills. I thought this was an interesting contrast to all the tablets and coding courses that are so common in the modern classroom. My niece is a toddler but I wanted to mention it to my sister as she nears school age. Is this too extreme? Is it worth the cost?

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How can we prevent my daughter from having potty accidents?

My Sammy keeps having accidents. She has been potty trained for over a year, but she tends to hold it in until the very last minute. That’s fine when we’re at home because she can run to the bathroom, but when we’re in the car or out in public it means lots of accidents. Help us out!

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Tips for raising a bilingual child!

We’re trying to raise our little one with both English and Spanish! Any tips on raising a bilingual child?

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What activities will help my toddler learn?

Hey mommas :) What are some activities I can do with my toddler to help him learn?

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