My preschooler really wants to learn how to read! She has already started sounding out some words on her own! What are some good books I can start her on for learning how to read?
6 Replies
Leilani posted August 15, 2019
My kids had all of the Dick and Jane books - we got a bundle of them from Costco!Juanita posted August 15, 2019
We read Green Eggs and Ham about a thousand times.Michelle posted August 15, 2019
When my daughter was about 6 we started reading the Junie B. Jones books together every night. I’d read a page, then she would read a page. After a year, she was the one doing all of the reading!Maggie posted August 15, 2019
Dr. Seuss was our best friend when my son started to learn how to read. There are so many to choose from when they're starting to read, some of our favorites include:Heather posted August 27, 2019
Just reading to them everyday helps them pick up words and memory of the books. My girls are 3 and they can read with me books just by hearing what page we are on. Start with easier books that show them one or two words at a time then work to more words per sentence.Jones posted September 3, 2019
Dr Seuss is also a house hold favorite for us! The rhymes are so fun to read as a family. My son also loves reading Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlers. This book is so colorful and not only teaches the kids ABCs but also about fruits and vegetables too. Each page has a picture of a fruit or a vegetable beginning with that letter.