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Am I giving in by hiring a night nurse or sleep specialist for my 1.5 year old who won’t sleep?

I have a 1.5 year old that will not sleep through the night and is having so much difficulty falling asleep… other mamas, would you suggest working with a night nurse or sleep specialist? I’m really tired…

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I’m nervous about hiring a babysitter! Any advice?!

Hey mamas! My baby is 5 months now and we’ve only left her with my parents and in-laws. The thought of leaving her with a sitter terrifies me! My partner says that I have nothing to worry about, but any tips to calm my nerves would be much appreciated :)

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Separation anxiety at daycare - help?

My 3-year-old son is starting daycare soon and I’m afraid he’ll have a lot of separation anxiety - he hasn’t spent hardly any time away from my husband and me until now. I don’t want it to be traumatic for him (or us!). Any tips to prep for the first day?

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What is the difference between daycare and preschool? And which is better?

I’m looking for childcare for my 2-year-old and am getting frustrated. I can’t swing the cost of many and others have laughable waitlists. Plus, everyone tells me something different about what to pick. What’s the difference between preschool and daycare? Which is better?

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How does part-time daycare work?

I’m a SAHM and I work remotely from home part-time. Now that my daughter is a toddler and very mobile, it’s hard to set aside uninterrupted work time. I also worry that she’s not getting enough social interaction with other kids. Should I consider part-time daycare? A nanny? I feel torn (and a bit guilty), but need to find a solution.

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What questions should I ask during daycare/preschool interviews?

My husband and I just started the process of picking a preschool for our daughter. We’ve toured a few and we’re having a hard time deciding - what questions should we be asking the teachers to help narrow down the best option?

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What should I do with my kiddos in the St. Paul area. Please help mamas!

Any recommendations for indoor playgrounds in the Columbia Heights area of St Paul? We would love to hear from parents in the area, thank you! We'll be moving here soon and are looking for some things to keep the kids busy while we're taking care of moving things!

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Indoor playgrounds in Chicago area?

Our son has never ending energy, we are looking for an outdoor or indoor playground with lots of space in the Little Village, Chicago area. Thanks for the tips! This is going to be so so helpful for our family <3

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Indoor games to keep my toddlers busy on colder days?

What are some good indoor games we can play with the kids to get the wiggles out during the cold weather?

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Tips for parents wanting to help 4 year old learn at home?

Does anyone have any tips for supporting our little ones now that they are in preschool? We try teaching what we can at home, but want to be able to support what they are learning in school.

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