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What should I do with my kiddos in the St. Paul area. Please help mamas!

Any recommendations for indoor playgrounds in the Columbia Heights area of St Paul? We would love to hear from parents in the area, thank you! We'll be moving here soon and are looking for some things to keep the kids busy while we're taking care of moving things!

1 Like 3 Replies


Rodolpho posted December 16, 2019

You guys have to try out Eagles Nest Indoor Playground it is super affordable and they have a lot of different toys and structures. Our boys were having problems with sharing and using kind words and hands and we have been able to leverage going to the park to work with them on this. At first they would fight with kids and the minute they did we would leave and walk outside. Once they were calm we would talk about what happened and the consequences and what we could learn from that incident. This happened twice the third time we noticed they paused and let go of the toy they were about to fight for. So without even trying we were able to teach and reinforce positive behavior with Eagles Nest. This little spot is special to us and around the corner from the house, try it out see how it works for you. 0 Likes

Mary posted December 16, 2019

We love Lookout Ridge Indoor Playground. They designed the playground like a jungle with a cave and lots of climbing and slides! The kids pretend they are on a wild adventure looking for treasure. If they play nice and mind their elders while at the playground we get to make muffins back at home. 1 Like

Katie posted February 3, 2021

Look out ridge in Woodbury is fun 1 Like