Any kid gyms that do classes for toddlers you guys suggest? We live in the Atwater Village area and have been looking for a healthy outlet for our kids' endless energy. We would like to hear from families in the area if anyone has any suggestions. We appreciate you!
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Qacy posted November 18, 2019
We live in the Atwater Village area of LA and just started taking the kids to My Gym. Our kids are 2, 3, and 8 years old but it they have classes for infants as well. At first we found it a little over our budget but we tried a few classes and learned things to take back home. Now that the kids have a few tools and feel more comfortable with trying new things in front of new people, we have started taking them to more community activities. We try to schedule 1-2 classes a month depending on funds and behavior. Initially our kids seemed rather shy and unsure of themsleves, this gym time has really helped them out! Our suggestions is try out a free class and take some ideas back home. You can also search online for other ideas, this is what we do between classes. The gym tells you what skills or muscle groups the kids are working on so it gives you an idea of what you can supplement.Renee posted November 18, 2019
With toddler twins and an eight year old, we are on a tight budget. Our main go to for any family activity is free and easily accessible! We rotate through the various local parks and make sure to take photos each time we go so the kids remember which park has what. Our little ones are pretty smart and seem to haev better memories than we do but photos also help motivate and incetivize them when we want or need them to do something they may not want or feel like doing. The Cerritos Park is the current favorite since the kids are currently fascinated with outer space. This park has a rocketship and plenty of grass space for running and yoga. Our suggstion is let the kids run loose in the park for a while -- as you watch and play with them of course. Once they seem to be slowing down bring them in challenge them with "I Spy" or physical fitness challenges like running to the fence or doing a certain amount of jumping jacks. When it is getting close to leaving time, bring your kids in and do a family cool down transitioning them out of the park. If you pull them out right away without preparation they may get a bit cranky.