What are some fun fall things we can do with the family?
My husband I both work so our evenings and weekends is the only time
we get to spend quality time with the kids and teach them new things.
We would like to use our fall activities to both have fun and learn new
things. Any tips help!
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4 Replies
Ashleigh posted November 18, 2019
There are usually webistes or free magazines at the grocery store and local businesses which advertise family events. Libraries usually have reading sessions and museums are great to go to any time of the year. Whatever you and your family decide on remember it is about the quality time and not the actual actiivty, Sometimes you can spend money on fancy shows or activities and find that your kids actually have more fun playing with empty boxes or mud. Embrace their interests and use each as a learning opportunity.Fanny posted November 18, 2019
We have made it a family practice to eat dinner together each night and talk about one special or intersting thing that happened to each of us that day. This usually leads to other conversation and sometimes teaching moments. We have found out a lot about our kids by just listening and encouraging their interests and curiosities. Identify a time or day of the week where nothing else matters except your little ones and whatever it is that is peaking their interet on that day at that time. Be consistent and have fun! Before you know it your little ones will be all grown up and you will wish they were still little and asking about unicorns and poop and whatnot, haha!Regina posted November 19, 2019
Down town they science museum have a lot to do,they have they movie’s about dogs and they’re have some rides ,food shopping,and they add some new stuffDiane posted November 19, 2019
All of the libraries in our area offer weekend activities, group reading and holiday activities.