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How do I know if my infant is getting enough exercise?

Hey mamas! I've been wanting to know how to ensure that my little one is getting enough exercise! How can I help my infant with getting exercise?

1 Like 4 Replies


Sylvia posted November 6, 2019

Move around their legs as if riding a bike. You may also try applying pressure against their feet to strengthen feet and ankle muscles. Make sounds, smile, sing while you help them do this motion. Repeat this move 3-5 times with small 5 second breaks in between. Keep going as long as your baby shows interest by smiling, making eye contact, and kicking. 0 Likes

Bernice posted November 6, 2019

Tummy time helps strengthen your baby's neck muscles. You can begin when they are newborns and continue until they take interest in other more challenging or intriguong activities. Begin with simpler items like faux fur and clothing material scraps and increase complexity as your kids get older. You can make sensory bags or boards beginning on the ground and moving to the wall or window as they begin sitting and standing upright. 0 Likes

Ms . Tiffany posted November 7, 2019

Tummy time is a great way ! 1 Like

Annabel posted November 12, 2019

Do movements in their arms and legs , a soft touch and pressure arm legs and feet, help him turn around in his tummy so it can stretch babies neck muscles, talk to them and make silly noises and faces to make them smile 1 Like