Any suggested children's museums in the Orange County area? I feel like I am ALWAYS looking for somewhere new to take the kids on the weekends. Any ideas at all are super appreciated!!
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3 Replies
Darlene posted December 2, 2019
We highly highly suggest going to the Pretend City Children's Museum in Irvine! This place has it all! They have special events on certain days as well as a program called Baby Steps for people with babies. When you go be sure and enjoy everything with your kids. Let them guide you so they may show you what is peaking their interest at the time. Eventhough it may feel easier to stay in the background, engage with your kids get involved as much as possible, before you know it they will be all grown up and off to college!Brittany posted December 2, 2019
We like taking the kids to the Discovery Cube in Santa Ana. This place has events like cooking classes and holiday family nights. You will really enjoy going through this cube with the kids. We usually make a day out of it and succeed at getting the kids exhausted. Museums like this are great for the family because it is a great way to spend time together as well as to begin teaching your kids about important themes like healthy eating and science. Our kids love the dino area and all the sciecne stuff. We never knew they were into all this science until we started taking them to this cube.Diane posted August 8, 2023
Also we go down to Dana point and look for crabs and have a picnic.