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Best places for children's birthday parties in Palmdale?

I’m a Palmdale mom and am planning my daughter’s 4th birthday! Any places in the area you’ve had birthday parties at? I want something fun and easy to invite some of her daycare friends to! Also, any tips on how to do invites nowadays? Do I just send her to daycare with invites for the other kids or do I make a Facebook event?

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Tracy posted June 19, 2019

We went to the cutest birthday party last year at this place called Imagine City! It’s an indoor miniature city for kids to play in! I was so impressed. It was magical. Lots of little houses, trees, stores, businesses, and even mini cars! 0 Likes

Dulce posted June 19, 2019

My Gym is always an easy party to plan! We’ve been to (and had) so many birthday parties there over the years. For invites, most daycares/preschools have rules that you can’t distribute invites at the daycare unless you’re going to invite the whole class. So if it’s for the whole class then you can definitely share invitations at her school, but if not, I’ve noticed that lots of moms still do email invitations or create Facebook events. 0 Likes

Juanita posted June 26, 2019

The Shakey's in Palmdale is awesome for birthday parties! 0 Likes

Leah posted July 2, 2019

We have Mulligans and Rockin' Jump, too. 0 Likes

Leah posted July 2, 2019

We did my daughter's second at Pink N Sparkle, but I heard they closed. :( 0 Likes