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Military Childcare Assistance

Tips and advice for parents, from parents and educators in the community!


Traditional Birth vs. Water Birth?

Second time mom here! My oldest was born in a hospital, but I am considering delivering my next child through a water birth. Do any of you have experience with water births, and even better if you’ve experienced traditional births in a hospital, too. Thank you mommies!

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Tips for flying on an airplane with an infant!

I will be traveling with my son (11 weeks old) from Los Angeles to Dallas to visit my family for my dad’s birthday. Please give me your best tips on traveling/flying with an infant!

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How do I get my toddler's pee stains out of his bed?

My little one keeps having accidents on our bed and I can’t seem to get the pee smell out! How can I clean it? I tried detergent, but the smell still hasn’t gone away. Anyone experienced this?

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Tips for raising a bilingual child!

We’re trying to raise our little one with both English and Spanish! Any tips on raising a bilingual child?

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What activities will help my toddler learn?

Hey mommas :) What are some activities I can do with my toddler to help him learn?

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How do I get my breast milk supply up?

I’ve been needing some help with getting my breast milk supply up. Maybe I’m not getting enough water? Not sure it that could really be affecting my milk so much!

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How do I keep my newborn from crying after bath time?

Does anyone have advice on what to do after bathtime? My daughter is almost 7 weeks and she’s happy in the bath, but when we take her out she gets upset and cries for 10 to 15 minutes. I always make sure to wrap her in a towel as soon as we take her out and I’ve even started heating the room to almost 80 degrees! Any tips on how to keep her from getting so upset or how to calm her down quickly after taking her out of the water?

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Working moms: should I put my son in daycare?

How have your experiences with daycare been? My son is almost 18 months now and I’ve been considering going back to work. I keep going back and forth about it, though.

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Should I give my nanny paid sick days?

So I’ve been interviewing some potential nannies, and one that I interviewed this week asked me if she would have paid holidays and sick days. This is my first time hiring a nanny and I wasn’t sure what to answer with! I hadn’t originally planned on sick days. What have other moms done with their nannies?

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How do I get my 2 year-old to talk more?

My little man just turned two and he doesn’t seem to be talking as much as the other kids his age that we know. The pediatrician said he’s a little behind. He speaks pretty often, just not in very long sentences. He mostly just says one or two words at a time. I’m going to start him in daycare this week, so hopefully being around other kids who are talking will help. Any advice for me on helping him talk a little more?

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