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Tips and advice for parents, from parents and educators in the community!


Help! I have a picky eater on my hands!!

My 3 y.o is the PICKIEST eater and I’m losing my mind because of it. What should I do?!

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How long do you let your baby cry before picking them up?

Who else is struggling with this? Do I use the cry it out method for sleep training? What works? Help!!

4 Likes 11 Replies


Rainy day activities?

The weather has been horrible recently and I’m looking for some fun indoor “rainy day” activities. Any ideas are appreciated!!

3 Likes 6 Replies


My baby does not enjoy her bath - any tips?

Bath time has been such a hassle and totally chaotic because my baby HATES it. What should I do? I bought bubbles and a ton of toys, but nothing seems to work...

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Guidance for Providers and Families

Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance

Update as of March 11th, 2020.
• WeeCare "Fever-Free Zones" feature is released
• Coronavirus updates now available via

Update as of March 6th, 2020.

If you, a member of your family, or a child in your care displays any of the symptoms of novel coronavirus you should seek advice from your medical provider regarding immediate medical treatment and notify the parents of the child immediately. Symptoms of the novel coronavirus include the following:
• Fever
• Cough
• Difficulty breathing
• Severe illness

How the Virus is Transmitted
The virus is spread like other respiratory illnesses such as the flu. Human coronavirus is most commonly spread to others from an infected person through the following:
• Droplets produced through coughing and sneezing
• Close personal contact, such as caring for an infected person
• Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands
• As coronavirus is new, how it spreads and how long it takes for people to become sick is still to be determined

Ways to Prevent the Spread of the Virus
We are following the recommendations from the Department of Health to prevent the spread of the virus, which include the following:
• Cleanliness is extremely important. Make sure all surfaces are as clean as possible. Disinfect frequently touched objects and areas (such as doorknobs, desks, chairs, bathrooms, toys, and books) and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
• Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after using the restroom, before eating, after coughing, after sneezing, and after blowing your nose. (If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60-95% alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.)
• Stay home when you are sick. (If you have a fever over 100 degrees, stay home for at least 24 hours. If you are coughing excessively, cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow.)
• Get a flu vaccination, if you haven't done so already.
• Identify your medical provider and who to call, when needed.

Guidance for Facilities with Identified Cases of Coronavirus
We are following the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control on steps to take should an ill student or staff member attend your facility prior to being confirmed as a COVID-19 case:
• Temporary dismissal of your school, at the recommendation of local health officials.
• Notify and work with the local health department to communicate the possible exposure to the novel coronavirus.
• Work with local health officials to determine when any confirmed staff or students identified with the novel coronavirus should return to your facility.

For the most up-to-date information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) here:

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What are the best children's books by diverse authors?

Hey mamas! I’ve been having a hard time finding multicultural books and authors to read to our little one. Representation is really important to my husband and I so we’re looking for any suggestions!

1 Like 6 Replies


At what age do babies start crawling? How do I encourage it?!

I feel like my baby is late to the crawling game - I keep trying to encourage it, but she has no interest. Should I be worried?

1 Like 10 Replies


Any mamas familiar with placenta encapsulation?

Hey mamas! I’m pregnant with my first child and I’ve been thinking about doing placenta encapsulation! Any thoughts or experiences you can share?

2 Likes 2 Replies


When will I start to feel like myself again?

So, the baby is now 3 months old and my partner is back at work full-time. Now that I’m by myself with her, I am noticing how I still really don’t feel like myself. Is this normal? When will I?

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My mother-in-law says I'll spoil my infant by holding her too much. True?

Whenever my mother-in-law is around, she always tells me to put the baby down because I’ll spoil her by holding her too much. Is this true? What do you think?

1 Like 23 Replies

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