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Help! I have a picky eater on my hands!!

My 3 y.o is the PICKIEST eater and I’m losing my mind because of it. What should I do?!

4 Likes 8 Replies


Cherise posted March 10, 2020

Toddlers are so so picky! My best tip for you is to make it fun. Use cookie cutters to make cool fruit shapes, offer them a lot of colorful food, and make everything finger food! 0 Likes

Geena posted March 10, 2020

My 3 y.o is the same way!! Pickier then my older one too that’s for sure. I’ve started including her in my meal planning which has helped. We look through kid-friendly cookbooks together and she picks things out that she wants to try. 0 Likes

Linda posted March 14, 2020

I have a few picky eaters as well, what I like to do is blend the food into their meals so they get all the servings needed. ( i.e. if I make Mac & cheese I blend broccoli into the sauce mix before adding it at the end). 1 Like

Heather posted March 17, 2020

Try letting your little one be involved in the cooking even if it’s a small task 1 Like

Nelda posted March 20, 2020

Have them help you cook that will work, I had them try the results after cooking them ,I used that at the daycare and helped . 0 Likes

Bethany posted April 16, 2020

Have you tried the tiny tastes method? The Gastropoda podcast has a great episode on this that I found very helpful 0 Likes

Dian posted April 27, 2020

fine out what the child like from mom, feed them that 0 Likes

Bethany posted May 1, 2020

Try the tiny tastes method! The podcast Gastropod does a great episode on explaining how to do this 0 Likes