
Your little one is starting in school and is on their way to being a big kid! Discuss the ins and outs of early childhood education and raising a child who is just starting to come into who they are.


Opinions on spanking kids?

My husband and I are trying to find the best way to discipline our sons. My husband was raised in a family that spanked children, but I was not. I think because I was never spanked, I really don’t feel okay with spanking my kids. Moms, help please! Ideas on ways to discipline, and also feedback on whether or not spanking is still a thing nowadays would be amazing. Thank you!

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Dance studios in LA for toddlers?

My LO just turned three and she is obsessed with the idea of ballet lessons. Her older nieces that live out of state are both in ballet, which I think sparked the interest. I’m not sure how doable weekly classes are with our schedule, though (depending on where they are located). Any recommendations of dance studios in the Brentwood area that cater to kiddos?

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Best pets for young kids to care for?

What are the best pets for little kids to take care of? My daughter is four and she really really wants a kitten, but my husband is allergic and I think maybe a smaller animal might be better for her first pet. What are some good pet options for little kids?

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Should I start my son early or late for school?

Hey moms! My son falls right within the cutoff for starting kindergarten, so we can wait a year and he’ll be a little bit older than most students, or we can start now and he will be one of the youngest. I can see pros and cons to each side, and that is making coming to a decision a bit difficult. Help!

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Planting a garden to encourage my kids to eat healthy!

I want to teach my kids how to eat healthy and care for their environment so we want to start a small garden. We would like to make this an ongoing activity similar to a community garden. Any suggestions or guidance would be great help!

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My preschooler has started stealing things! What do I do to stop it now?

My daughter has started stealing things. She goes to friends’ houses and comes home with tiny toys in her pockets or I’ve caught her taking money out of my husband’s wallet. What can we do about this? I’d be mortified if she was ever caught stealing something!

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Best books for teaching my daughter to read?

My preschooler really wants to learn how to read! She has already started sounding out some words on her own! What are some good books I can start her on for learning how to read?

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How do I stop my 4-year-old from using bad words?

I’m a little embarrassed to say it, but my son has learned curse words from my road rage. How do I teach him that they’re bad and not okay to say?

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My toddler cries whenever I leave her alone! Help!

My 3 year old cries whenever I leave her anywhere by herself. What should I do? It makes me feel so bad every time!

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How regular should my child's bedtime be?

How strict should my husband and I be about bedtime for our 5-year-old? He never stays up too late, of course, but we have trouble getting him to bed at a consistent time each night - partly because of my husband’s unpredictable work schedule. Our LO wants to wait up for him. Does this matter?

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