
Your little one is starting in school and is on their way to being a big kid! Discuss the ins and outs of early childhood education and raising a child who is just starting to come into who they are.


What are the best places for kid-friendly hiking in San Bernardino?

I’m on the search for hiking trails in the San Bernardino area that are kid-friendly or have kid friendly paths - help! I need some suggestions from real mamas. We’re tried a few different hiking trails that have said online that they are good options for kids, but they have all been absolutely insane and NOT kid friendly at all. My kiddos end up whining and complaining the whole way and it turns our nice nature hike as a family into something that I can’t wait to be done with. Help help help.

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Fun things to do with kids in Moreno Valley? Help!

So I’ve been trying to come up with some things to do on weekends with my kiddos. Moreno Valley parents, what do you do with your children on the weekends? My kids are 4 and 7! Thanks!!!!

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Places for a picnic in Gardena?

My daughter keeps asking me if we can have a picnic. It’s really cute! Does anyone have any suggestions of places in the Gardena area where we can go to have a nice picnic as a family? Maybe a quiet park or something like that? Shade would be really nice too. Thank you so much! I can’t wait to hear your ideas :)

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Please recommend Long Beach pediatric dentists!

I think it’s going to be time soon to take my daughter to her first dentist appointment! Please leave me some recommendations of pediatric dentists that your families have loved in the comments! Long Beach area, please :) Double points if they accept most insurances!

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Irvine Weekend Activities for Toddlers?

Hey Irvine ladies! What do you do with your families on the weekends? I feel like we always end up staying in and it makes me feel like we never do anything new! Does anyone have any ideas? My girls are 2 and almost 5 years! Thanks so much mamas :)

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What children's museums should we go to in San Bernardino?

Does anyone have any recommendations for some children’s exhibits at museums in the San Bernardino area? I feel like on the weekends all we ever do is take our son to the movies, and I’d rather do something more educational at least some of the time. Help please! Any suggestions are welcome!

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How do I handle toddler tantrums in public places?

My 4 year old has been recently throwing tantrums at the market for candy and it's really embarrassing so I just give in and buy her the candy. I don't want others to judge me so I give in but I know it's not the right thing to do. I would love some help on what i can do to stop these!

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My son is too obsessed with Dr. Seuss!

My son is so funny! He is 3 and loves listening to Dr. Seuss books at school. But what I've discovered is that he is taking his imagination to another level and it trying everything they are in the books! He wants me to make green eggs everyday and is constantly doing crazy things like Thing 1 & Thing 2! How can I stop this?

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What is "purposeful play" at a daycare?

I've heard friends mention that their child's preschool/daycare does a lot of purposeful play. What does this mean? Should I be worried that my son's teacher hasn't mentioned this? Is it something we can try at home?

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How do I know if I'm spoiling my child?

Hi, mommas! My little one is an angel and I’m lucky to be able to give him most all of the things he asks for, which is a privilege I didn’t have as a kid. I’m wondering though, at what point does it become too much? When does it become spoiling him? I want him to stay as sweet as he is for a long time.

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