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How to get my daughter to eat healthy? She only eats junk food!

My daughter won't eat anything except junk food, help! How can I introduce new foods and get her to try them?

1 Like 7 Replies


Olivia posted November 6, 2019

Introduce new foods in fun ways. Try to shape the new foods into fun shapes – cut fruit, chesses, vegges, and whole grain breads and add healthy dips like peanut butter, hummus, or yogurt.
Grapes and cheese into butterflies or little worms. Be creative - Use fun colors and cupcake wrappers to peak their interest.

Patricia posted November 6, 2019

Include your kids in mealtime preparation. Giving someone ownership of an activity increases the chances they may take interest and try things they otherwise wouldn't. We began taking our kids to the farmer's market and the grocery trips. At first we struggled a little but after a while the more we exposed them to fresh clean food the more it became a norm for us and we began to experience less push back. Anytime the kids show interest in a healthy item or choice, we use positive reinforcement. Lastly, there are really neat kids cooking shows and classes, we haven't tried classes yet but the shows inspire our kids to play and pretend. 0 Likes

Regina posted November 12, 2019

I like to make it fun,like with peanut butter and raisins I call it ants on a long,I use carrots and ranch and stick them straight up in ranch,tell them let’s make fence are different scenes ,some times I will ask them to help with preparation for dinner 0 Likes

Ms . Tiffany posted November 12, 2019

Try to do dishes kids love but add healthy ingredients one great recipe is sweet potatoe tacos 0 Likes

Annabel posted November 12, 2019

Be creative introducing vegetables and fruits in fun ways like forming insects 🐜 in colorful forms, I just use my imagination and kids love it that way they get more interesting on exploring and trying new foods in a different ways. 0 Likes

Anamarie posted November 14, 2019

Ji Cameron, first than any answer to you, please tell me how old is you child? Children upon their age eat different food and in different presentation and texture. 0 Likes

Anamarie posted November 14, 2019

I meant to say β€œ Hi Cameran β€œπŸ™„ 0 Likes