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Thoughts on baby/toddler yoga?

I see baby and toddler yoga everywhere, how can I do yoga with my children, they can't seem to sit still!

1 Like 4 Replies


Krista posted November 6, 2019

Eventhough there are many aspects of yoga including breathing, meditation, and poses, take things one at a time with your little ones. Practice yoga around your kids when they are not included so they can see this is something that happens normally. You may notice them join you or add yoga, stretching, and movement to their imaginative playtimes. You may begin with practicing very short brief breathing or Mindfulness activities to teach your kids to de-escalate big feelings. Continue introducing this form of deep breathing and slowly begin introducing poses. Find a few easy poses you can rename to fit your kids' interests, set a timer, and try them out. Treat your poses like stretches instead of adding to much pressure on following the usual yoga class agenda. The most important thing is to introduce your kids to as many different types of actiivties so they can pick and choose what they enjoy. 0 Likes

Magdelina posted November 6, 2019

There are tons of ideas for yoga poses available online and YouTube. The best tip of advice is do yoga with your kids. You are their biggest role model! Teaching them exercising and stretching is something "we do" is important if you want them to make this a norm. You can also try making yoga part of a quiet zen time. Facilitate in a quiet distraction free area. Add soft lamps, shut off the lights, and add essential oils to the room if indoors. If ourdoors, carry out in a quiet area away from the public to keep your kids' focus on the actiivty. In reality the best option for younger kids is practicing indoors to cancel out external "noise" but at the younger ages getting your kids to focus on an activity longer than a few minutes is key so try different things and see what works best for you guys! 0 Likes

Diane posted November 12, 2019

We do yoga in my daycare everyday. The kids love it. Younger kids join in too. 0 Likes

Annabel posted November 12, 2019

As a former massuze I still do teach yoga to my kids in my childcare I have so many ideas and yoga poses and is part of our daily routine this practice is so healthy and very helpful for their mi d and body.... They just love it. 1 Like