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Staying safe during pademic

What are the things you are doing to stay safe during pandemic?

16 Likes 19 Replies

Elsie posted October 30, 2020

Check temperature every morning, hand washing, 0 Likes

Juliet G Greta Kabukuor posted November 2, 2020

Hand washing,use masks,keep distance 0 Likes

Irma posted November 5, 2020

I’m taking temperatures every morning, having the kids wash their hands in the morning after they eat constantly washing. Social distancing. 0 Likes

Unknown Caller posted November 9, 2020

I take temperature every morning let the kids wash their hands before play with toys and before we eat something, after we came from outside and disinfected everything be cleaning all surfaces and the wearing mask all the time. 0 Likes

Covena posted November 9, 2020

We are taking temperatures upon arrival, washing hand, children wear mask, do our best to keep distance 0 Likes

Covena posted November 9, 2020

This is throughout the day. Disinfect and Maintain a clean environment 0 Likes

Naira posted November 10, 2020

Health check in the morning, afternoon and before dismissal. Social distance, sanitizing toys more often and washing jeans more often. 0 Likes

Elsie posted November 11, 2020

Hand washing, check temperature daily, were mask 0 Likes

Elsie posted November 11, 2020

Social distance,cleaning toys daily 0 Likes

Tamika posted November 12, 2020

Social distancing assigned individual space to work 0 Likes

Tamika posted November 12, 2020

Cleaning toys after use wearing gloves daily temperature checks 0 Likes

Dawn posted November 21, 2020

Sue is the best daycare provider in Ulster county! I have tried them all w a son w/adhd and behaviors. Sue and her daycare changed our lives. She helped me find the support my son needs along with being there for me as a friend and a parent since she has 2 successful sons herself. I just wanted to say thank you Sue. Manocha for helping my son Devon when no one else would. Sue is beyond a daycare and you should define send your little ones her way. 😍 0 Likes

Maria posted November 22, 2020

most importantly praying. 0 Likes

Melike posted December 6, 2020

we trying keep distracting ,Washing kids and our hands ,use mask ,check temperature, deep cleaning toys 0 Likes

Michele posted December 10, 2020

We do temperature checks every morning and in the day at times and when the parents to drop off or pick up they wear a mask and stay by the entrance and do not come in to the room I always have child’s emergency information as well as parents phone numbers I also wear a face mask and encourage children to do so as well 0 Likes

Michelle posted December 11, 2020

Sanitation, but not dramatically. Staying in especially for the kiddos. Keep those hands clean and minimize company. 0 Likes

Safan posted December 21, 2020

airing out and desenfecting every morning and evenings,.using paper and plastic utensils for serving food 0 Likes

Ivy posted December 28, 2020

Check temperatures Social distancing, wear masks, hand washing and sanitizing daily. 0 Likes

Naira posted January 4, 2021

Before entering into the daycare kids wash their hand outside( there portable sink outside) than I check temperature. Temperature check 4 time. In the morning, before nap, after nap and before dismiss. Also mask and distance. 0 Likes