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12 useful restrictions for children


1. a Child will not learn to forgive if there is no one to forgive.

2 . the Child will not develop patience or the ability to wait for the fulfillment of their desires if they always immediately give them everything they want

3. the Child will not learn to accept their own shortcomings if everyone around them is perfect.

4 . the Child will not learn to cooperate if everything always goes the way he wants.

5. a Child will not develop their own creative potential if others do everything for them.

6 . the Child will not learn empathy and respect for others if he does not see that other people are experiencing pain and experiencing failures.

7 . the Child will not develop courage and optimism if he does not have to face trouble.

8 . the Child will not develop perseverance and strength if everything is easy

9. the Child will not learn to correct their mistakes if they do not know the difficulties, failures and mistakes.

10. a Child will not develop a sense of self-esteem and healthy pride if they do not overcome obstacles and achieve something.

11 . the Child will not develop self-sufficiency if he does not know the feeling of isolation and rejection.

12. a Child will not develop a sense of purpose if they do not have the ability to resist authority and/or achieve what they want.

8 Likes 3 Replies

Licia posted December 8, 2020

This is beautiful YES ❤️ 0 Likes

Deborah posted January 13, 2021

This is very useful information 0 Likes

Ninoska posted February 5, 2021

Waooo is an amazing reflexión 🤔 0 Likes