I generally buy Play-Doh from Target but I started to get a headache from the smell and I don't think it's good for my 3 yr old to play with anymore. I want to know some things parents use to substitute it.
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5 Replies
Alison posted September 30, 2019
Play-Doh has SO many chemicals, there are definitely great alternatives to it. You can make make slime with a few ingredients. It pretty easy. You just need Elmer's glue, baking soda, food coloring, and a little bit of contact solution.Callie posted September 30, 2019
You can make home made playdough! It's fun for kids to make with you, too! They'll love making it as a fun project.Michelle posted October 3, 2019
If the Play-Doh you bought is giving you headaches I don't think it would be good for your kiddo either. We actually found a natural playdough on Etsy for pretty cheap by ReverHandsOnLearning. It's made from all natural organic ingredients and plant based colors, and even has natural scents like eucalyptus, grape, and lemon! Our kids are obsessed with them and it's a relief for me because I know its safe for them.Julie posted October 7, 2019
You can make play doh that is non toxic from ingredients right in you own kitchen:)Trinity posted October 11, 2019
Crafting a Green World's site has many great edible recipes for you to make safe Play-Dough at home. These are really fun, you get quality time, a great activity and an edible treat.