What are the most affordable places to buy children’s clothes? They grow out of them so quickly and I've been struggling with being able to pay for so many new outfits each month! Any help?
6 Replies
Jackie posted September 10, 2019
We get most of my son’s clothes at Target. He doesn’t care much about what he wears as long as the fabric is soft. We have lots and lots of minion shirts from Target haha. The one down side is that it’s not very easy to try things on at Target, but I go there so often that it’s not hard to return clothes that don’t fit.Sophie posted September 10, 2019
She’s right, Target is great! A lot of my daughter’s clothes are also from The Children’s Place. They have really cute things and they’re not too pricey either! They’re not hard to wash, either, which is a big plus for momma!Denise posted September 11, 2019
We've been shopping for outfits at Kohl’s and JCPenney because they have frequent sales and plenty of coupons!Brooke posted September 12, 2019
You are right Louise, they grow out of their clothes so quickly, I seem to give away clothes that still have tags on them because my baby can't fit them. Carters is a great place to find affordable clothing and they always have sales racks in the back of the stores. They also have cute seasonal outfits.Claire posted September 17, 2019
Goodwill, hand me downsJulie posted October 2, 2019
Carters out in Lawndale CA has sets of 5 Ts in one hanger. 🚼