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Day Care for Elementary age kids? - LBC

Alot of day care options seem more geared towards toddlers.
Have a first grader and needs the guidance of elementary teachers.
I understand since daycares don't cater to the same age the attention by grade level is split amongst all, but are their any daycares out there that are solely teaching elementary level?
and may help when my son's virtual learning starts up in Fall?

3 Likes 5 Replies

Sarah posted August 11, 2020

At my daycare, we have elementary school kids here doing their virtual learning with us. My mom and I are licensed daycare providers and run the daycare together. She is a teacher and solely works with the older school aged kids while my main focus is on the younger kids/babies. 0 Likes

Jennifer posted August 14, 2020

I do care for all ages and have several "older children" in grades first to 4th and are all virtual since the end of last school year. 1 Like

Courtney posted August 17, 2020

I agree I am having the same problem I need a elementary level daycare as well I am having such a hard time finding one 0 Likes

Brandi posted August 18, 2020

I am like those above. I have a degree in elementary education so I will have elementary kids upstairs with me where I will teach them and facilitate their online learning. I will have my other leads downstairs with the toddlers/preschoolers. 0 Likes

Eulahleh posted September 6, 2020

I’m in Chicago as of right now I’m only doing remote learning 0 Likes