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What do you think about the Waldorf method?

I recently watched a video about a growing movement of parents who want to eliminate technology in the classroom and instead focus on real-world interaction and holistic skills. I thought this was an interesting contrast to all the tablets and coding courses that are so common in the modern classroom. My niece is a toddler but I wanted to mention it to my sister as she nears school age. Is this too extreme? Is it worth the cost?

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Sarah posted January 8, 2022

I think it's worth mentioning. There are tons of studies that show that screentime isn't good for young children because it messes with their attention span. Structured teaching of coding skills is entirely different from watching YouTube or misc. cartoons as a way to pacify kids. Screentime happens, but it should really probably be minimized if the kiddos seem zombified or get super cranky-pissy at anything disrupting their view. If they look like their brains are melting out of their ears, that probably isn't great programming. And...yeah, it's worth mentioning, because of all the people you care about and that you would want to help, family is probably way up there...just make sure you are careful in how you bring it up, don't make it sound like criticism of them as a parent or their parenting skills, etc...and it should probably be alright. I don't know. If my brother brought it up to me, I would listen, because I want my kids to be the best they can be. 0 Likes

Sarah posted January 8, 2022

Your sister would probably listen. A sister-in-law might not, if it's an in-law, talk to the sibling...but since it's your sister, she will probably listen. 👍 0 Likes