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How do I tell my 3 year-old I'm pregnant again?

We’re pregnant again and I’m wondering when and how to tell my daughter. She’s three.

1 Like 4 Replies


Angela posted June 5, 2019

You can tell your child as soon as you tell the rest of your friends and family, or you can wait a little while longer if you think she will be impatient. She probably won’t notice until you are showing quite a bit! When it comes to how, there are lots of children’s books on the subject. My pediatrician always seemed to have really good recommendations! 0 Likes

Katie posted June 5, 2019

We just told my son there was a baby in my tummy. He didn’t actually ask very many follow up questions. Get ready for lots of talking to your stomach though - ALL THE TIME. It was really very sweet though. He was so excited about his little sister. It wasn’t until we had our third child and he was about 8 that we went into more detail. 0 Likes

Jessica posted June 9, 2019

We had a hard time telling our first born, but we made it fun and bought a book for him "You're a big brother now!" and read it to him every night. As I got more and more pregnant, I also told him his baby sister was in my belly and that she was super excited to meet him. Lastly, when our new baby was born, we made a conscious effort to include him on the first day and got a gift for him from his sister when he met her. 1 Like

Alice posted September 3, 2019

We come from a large family so explaining to our first born that he was getting a little sister was pretty straight forward. My son is very close to his uncle (my older brother) so when we were ready to announce the pregnancy to the rest of the family, we made sure my brother was there too so we could do the announcement together. My brother and I were able to explain our close relationship to my son, so that he too could have this special relationship with someone soon. 0 Likes