Mamas, my kids are sick of their toys but I don't have the money to buy them anything shiny and new! Anything inexpensive that will help with the boredum?
6 Replies
Bobbi posted July 14, 2020
Ha I don't have any new toy finds but I definitely feel like they're going through toys at a much faster rate... either breaking or losing them all over the house! I told them I wouldn't buy more until they start being more carefulAdele posted July 14, 2020
My kids have become obsessed with legos. They can't get enough of them even though they didn't seem to have any interest in it before quarantine! It's fun to suprrise them with new sets and I can usually find used ones on eBay.Judith posted July 16, 2020
I always enjoyed do different arts and crafts with my mom. and cross stichingKandy posted August 8, 2020
Depending on the age, get creative in finding toys in your home. Many kids love using their imaginations. Help them build a fort, use pool noodles as Pirate swords & go on an adventure. If you can find buckets, (you can buy them at Lowe's for $5), dress up & be rock star and play the drums. Don't be afraid to look around your house & come up with your own toys. Kids love it when their parents get involved & see the childlike side of their parents.Liliana posted August 16, 2020
Hello, I just to build activities with my toddlers in my day care. Get new boxes they love it! is no shiny or expensive. They love even more when we interacting with them, you can build a play house, force, etcStephanie posted September 16, 2020
Sign up for a local Buy Nothing group. People often post toys they no longer want. Also, scarfs, blankets, sheets, sticks and things from nature are great imaginary toys.