Ortiz Heaven Family Childcare
Daycare in
Bakersfield, CA
Children’s Concord Home is a home daycare and preschool that offers childcare programs for nearby families in Bakersfield.
Our center open to all children of the community regardless of race, religion, nationality, or ethnic background. We aim to provide a safe and supported first school experience that celebrates the individuality of each child.
We believe that you are the best expert on your child. Your family learns alongside one another in a classroom supported by a professional. Our teacher plans the curriculum and guides the program.
Contact Dominguez, Jessica to learn more about availability, rates, and pricing.
Children’s Concord Home offers childcare programs for nearby families in Bakersfield, as well as the larger Bakersfield metro area and south area
The Toddler Program provides an inclusive, nurturing environment that builds relationships with families and fosters attachment and security in children.
Toddlers learn and develop when they are in a predictable environment and have an opportunity to anticipate and make choices throughout the day. Our center’s curriculum is based on reflective caregiving practices that are culturally and linguistically appropriate.
Each child is encouraged to explore the language rich environment via activities such as water and sensory play, basic art mediums, picture books, and dramatic play.
Primary caregivers take a playful approach when they interact with the children during routine care times; children are nurtured, held, and encouraged through positive support and guidance throughout the day.
The Preschool program provides Full-time childcare for 3 – 4 years old.
We believe Preschool children are intrinsically curious. Through direct and focused observations, our Preschool Program teachers develop a curriculum that emerges from each child’s knowledge of the world around them.
Language, literacy, math, science, art, music and movement, health and social studies are all interwoven into the curriculum.
Friendships are an important part of growing up and this aspect of being a preschooler is fostered in continuative care groups. Our families and teachers, coming from rich cultural and linguistic backgrounds, promote respect and celebration of diversity.
The Preschool Programs:
Provide Continuity of Care
Focus on Social Skills
Offer Free choice of activities
Offer School Readiness Activities
Provide Art, Music, Science Activities
Provide a Large Outdoor Play Area
Serve Nutritious Meals and Snacks
Offer Local Field Trips
Provides nutritious meals including breakfast, lunch and PM snack.
Weekly rate
$232 - $263 / wk