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Tips and advice for parents, from parents and educators in the community!


Best Los Angeles camps for preschoolers!

Our kids are far apart in age at 3 and 10. Our oldest is making plans for summer camp, making it a very frequent topic around the house. Now our preschooler wants to go to camp, too. He’s obviously too young for overnight camps, but WDYT? Any local reccs? Part of me is excited about the alone time I’d get if I could sync up their camp schedules.

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Tips for teaching my kids Spanish?

Hi mamas! My husband and I are Hispanic, and we would really like to raise our kids to be bilingual and speak Spanish, but it's a different experience for them than it was for my husband and I. When we grew up, our parents really only spoke Spanish. My husband and I mostly speak English at home. Do you have any tips for us to help raise our kids to speak Spanish? They're ages 3 and 4!

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My son hates sharing! How can I teach my toddler to share?

Our (nearly) 3 YO is supposed to start daycare in a few weeks. He is pretty easy going compared to some children - not too picky or stubborn in most situations. The big issue we have right now though is that he hatesss sharing. My sister and her kiddos just moved down the street so he’s had a lot of cousin time all of the sudden (2 and 4 YOs). He’s not down for them to play with his toys at all. He hoards them and fully loses it if the other kids try to even touch his toys. How do we tackle before daycare starts?

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At what age do kids learn how to spell their own names?

At what age do kids usually pick up on writing and spelling out their own names? My stepson seems to have it down but his twin sister, not so much. They are 4.

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When is the right time to stop nursing my son?

My best friend and I both had our kiddos at around the same time. My son was born first, and her daughter was born about a month after. It’s been really special! Question though: she told me that she has stopped nursing her daughter, but I haven’t stopped nursing my son, and he is about four weeks older. When is the right time to stop? My son is almost seven months old and I love nursing him. It feels like special bonding time!

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Looking for the best parks in LA!

We’re living in the Crenshaw/Leimert Park area and are looking for some weekend activities for our son! Maybe parks? I feel like we don’t get much time outdoors lately.

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When should I start taking my toddler to the dentist?

Hi, moms! My daughter’s first teeth are starting to come in and now I’m wondering when and how we’re supposed to start caring for her teeth! When do we start needing to brush her teeth? When should we take her to the dentist? Thank you!

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Pediatricians in the San Fernando Valley!

I’m looking for a new pediatrician. We live in North Hollywood, but I work in Valley Village and my little ones are also in daycare in Valley Village. It seems like there aren’t many pediatricians in this area. Do I need to go to another part of the city to find good pediatricians or am I just missing something?

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I'm pregnant and about to be a single mom. Any advice?

I’m pregnant with my first child and I’m going to be raising my daughter as a single mom. I’m really excited, but nervous to be raising her on my own. Any other single mamas out there who can give me some advice?

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Should I have kids close in age or farther apart?

My partner and I just had our first child. We’re brand new parents! Anyway, she’s almost a year and we’re starting to decide if we want to try to have another child sooner or later. Parents, what are your opinions on having kids close in age or a bit more spaced out? Does it really make a difference?

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