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Babysitter in Farmington, NH
I'm currently a stay at home mom of 2. Soon to be 3. I love children and I babysit my niece from time to time. I've always wanted to do some... Read More
Babysitter in New Durham, NH
I have been around children my entire life and I am a mother of 4. I am reliable and will treat your children as if they were mine.
Babysitter in Alton, NH
I'm a babysitter in Alton with 2 years of childcare experience. I'm willing to travel 25 miles to provide childcare services. I can care for... Read More
New Durham Daycares
New Durham Nannies
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Alton Babysitters
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Sanbornville Babysitters
are you in San Diego/Northpark or near by?
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Infant and toddler spots available in my Montessori family daycare
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Hello i just open up my childcare and am located in Riverdale ga.
- waived registration fee of $75 - $50 gas card - $100 free groceries - free uniforms
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