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Whether it’s your first or you’re already a pro, newborns are a lot to handle! Discuss topics like breastfeeding, bedtime, and the right wearables to dress your infant in throughout the year.


Best places to find affordable baby clothes?

Hi, all! I’m a momma in the Reseda area on a budget and baby furniture, toys… basically everything can be so expensive! Are there any websites you use or places you go to for more affordable baby clothes, furniture, and toys? Would be a plus if they’re nearby, too!

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My son is teething and won't eat! Advice?

My little one has started teething and it has been so painful for him that feeding has been really difficult! He barely takes his bottle at all, but I can tell he’s hungry because I can hear his stomach making noises! I’ve tried Motrin and even some Tylenol, but I don’t want to keep giving him those and they didn’t seem to help anyway.

How do I get him to eat?

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Does anyone else hate the Ferber method?

Moms, am I the only one of us who HATES the Ferber method? I feel like an awful person and I feel so guilty sitting there while my daughter cries. Please tell me I’m not alone.

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Co-sleeping: pros vs. cons!

My son has been having a lot of trouble with sleeping at night. He’s almost 12 weeks and it takes us hours to get him to go to sleep. He falls asleep fastest when my husband or I am with him. I know co-sleeping gets a pretty bad rep, but is it really that bad?

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Alternative medicine for children: pros vs. cons?

Did anyone else grow up with alternative medicine (mostly herbal teas) as the only remedies for common colds, fevers, and flus? I'm not anti modern/western-medicines, but I grew up with it, and I don't feel comfortable giving over-the-counter drugs to my son every time he shows some sign of an illness? Esp if it doesn't seem urgent.

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Vaccines: Pros vs. Cons!

Okay, so I know this is a big topic, but I’m wondering what your honest thoughts are on vaccines. I’ve read so much on both sides, but I’m kind of afraid to talk to my mom friends about it. Do you vaccinate your children, and why or why not?

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Tips for flying on an airplane with an infant!

I will be traveling with my son (11 weeks old) from Los Angeles to Dallas to visit my family for my dad’s birthday. Please give me your best tips on traveling/flying with an infant!

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How do I get my breast milk supply up?

I’ve been needing some help with getting my breast milk supply up. Maybe I’m not getting enough water? Not sure it that could really be affecting my milk so much!

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How do I keep my newborn from crying after bath time?

Does anyone have advice on what to do after bathtime? My daughter is almost 7 weeks and she’s happy in the bath, but when we take her out she gets upset and cries for 10 to 15 minutes. I always make sure to wrap her in a towel as soon as we take her out and I’ve even started heating the room to almost 80 degrees! Any tips on how to keep her from getting so upset or how to calm her down quickly after taking her out of the water?

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Are cloth diapers worth it?

My husband and I decided we were going to use cloth diapers for our daughter. We’re pretty environmentally conscious, and it seemed like the better choice for the environment. It’s been about two weeks with our daughter using cloth diapers, though, and it is such a hassle. Are cloth diapers worth it? Does anyone have any tips on how to make them easier to wash/use?

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