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Whether it’s your first or you’re already a pro, newborns are a lot to handle! Discuss topics like breastfeeding, bedtime, and the right wearables to dress your infant in throughout the year.


When do I start introducing solid foods to my baby? She's 4 months.

Do I have to start feeding solid food to my baby at four months? We’re almost at that mark and I’m hesitant. She is breastfeeding well and on a great schedule now, but it took us a few weeks to get her there as a newborn - don’t wanna disrupt our good flow now.

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When is the right time to stop nursing my son?

My best friend and I both had our kiddos at around the same time. My son was born first, and her daughter was born about a month after. It’s been really special! Question though: she told me that she has stopped nursing her daughter, but I haven’t stopped nursing my son, and he is about four weeks older. When is the right time to stop? My son is almost seven months old and I love nursing him. It feels like special bonding time!

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When should I start taking my toddler to the dentist?

Hi, moms! My daughter’s first teeth are starting to come in and now I’m wondering when and how we’re supposed to start caring for her teeth! When do we start needing to brush her teeth? When should we take her to the dentist? Thank you!

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Pediatricians in the San Fernando Valley!

I’m looking for a new pediatrician. We live in North Hollywood, but I work in Valley Village and my little ones are also in daycare in Valley Village. It seems like there aren’t many pediatricians in this area. Do I need to go to another part of the city to find good pediatricians or am I just missing something?

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Newborn photographers in LA?

I never did professional baby photos with my oldest, but I’m at almost 36 weeks into my pregnancy and I’ve started thinking about doing newborn photos of my daughter when she’s born. How do they keep the babies calm, though? Has anyone had newborn photos done that they’ve been really happy with? I’m in the West Hollywood area if that helps! Also wondering if you have any suggestions on places to take a family photo with my husband, son, and newborn daughter in a few months! Outdoors would be nice!

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Best places to find affordable baby clothes?

Hi, all! I’m a momma in the Reseda area on a budget and baby furniture, toys… basically everything can be so expensive! Are there any websites you use or places you go to for more affordable baby clothes, furniture, and toys? Would be a plus if they’re nearby, too!

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My son is teething and won't eat! Advice?

My little one has started teething and it has been so painful for him that feeding has been really difficult! He barely takes his bottle at all, but I can tell he’s hungry because I can hear his stomach making noises! I’ve tried Motrin and even some Tylenol, but I don’t want to keep giving him those and they didn’t seem to help anyway.

How do I get him to eat?

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Does anyone else hate the Ferber method?

Moms, am I the only one of us who HATES the Ferber method? I feel like an awful person and I feel so guilty sitting there while my daughter cries. Please tell me I’m not alone.

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Co-sleeping: pros vs. cons!

My son has been having a lot of trouble with sleeping at night. He’s almost 12 weeks and it takes us hours to get him to go to sleep. He falls asleep fastest when my husband or I am with him. I know co-sleeping gets a pretty bad rep, but is it really that bad?

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Alternative medicine for children: pros vs. cons?

Did anyone else grow up with alternative medicine (mostly herbal teas) as the only remedies for common colds, fevers, and flus? I'm not anti modern/western-medicines, but I grew up with it, and I don't feel comfortable giving over-the-counter drugs to my son every time he shows some sign of an illness? Esp if it doesn't seem urgent.

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