Tesla R.
Nanny in
Palm Desert, CA
I love working with children. I have four daughters. All are in their teen years and great kids. I take pride in being a safe haven. I talk to children, not at them, I compromise, read emotion behind behavior, I am reliable and resourceful. Working in an office and such has its place in the world, however, for me that is not where I am meant to be. I am meant to be a helping hand in this hectic, sometimes sad and scary world. It is the only way I know to make a positive difference. I worked at Seymour Family Childcare in Cathedral City for 4 years full time and 1 year part time. I was all the Senior Lead at Desert Recreation District for their Tiny Tots class. It was amazing and I loved it. Unfortunately, they closed down for remodeling and will be shut down for the next couple years. I am happy to answer any and all questions.
Thank you.
Passed on 3/3/24
National Criminal Search
Sex Offender Search
Global Watchlist Search
SSN Check