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Cassandra R.

Nanny Nanny in San Bernardino, CA

Daycare info

Ages 0 months - 14 years

Daycare info

Years experience 6 years

Daycare info

Availability Mon - Sun

Daycare info

Max children 3

Daycare info

Languages English, Spanish

Daycare info

Provider type Nanny


Becoming a helper for young children was always something I had the responsibility of doing. From when I was 9 years old I remember taking care of my three little cousins and my sister. It was a lot with taking care of them, making them food, changing diapers well that’s mainly cause I was 9. After they moved away I started volunteering at a summer camp for 3 years and got to see the kids grow and learn about building friendships and connections with each other. Every kid I’ve got to see grow older reminds me of how much time goes by fast.


Monday: 5:30 am - 11:45 pm
Tuesday: 5:30 am - 11:45 pm
Wednesday: 5:30 am - 11:45 pm
Thursday: 5:00 am - 11:45 pm
Friday: 5:00 am - 11:45 pm
Saturday: 5:00 am - 11:45 pm
Sunday: 5:30 am - 11:45 pm


Currently in highschool, Have studied in college


• Accepts credit cards
• Cleaning and household chores
• Growth and development
• Homework help
• House sitting
• Laundry
• Meals and meal prep
• Work with pets


1 child: $14 / hr
2 children: $18 / hr
3 children: $20 / hr
4 children: $25 / hr


Provider not background checked

For safety, communication with non-background checked providers is restricted.

You can create a message, and they will only receive it after passing a background check .
San Bernardino, CA 91502
Location is approximate

Provider not background checked