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Babysitter in Spokane, WA
I'm a babysitter in the Spokane area, bringing 6 years of experience to families who need childcare. I'm able to travel up to 5 miles to pro... Read More
I am a great fit because I have 4 years of experience with my own child I babysit my moms friends kids all the time I’m very patient,underst... Read More
Along with off and on babysitting for 5 years, I worked at a dog daycare for 2 years, which has a lot of parallels to childcare, they are ju... Read More
I'm a babysitter in the Spokane area, bringing 5 years of experience to families who need childcare. I'm able to travel up to 5 miles to pro... Read More
I adore children I treat them like there my own
I have a huge passion for kids and making sure there well taken of read books spelling play games that teach math
I'm a babysitter in the Spokane area, bringing 5 years of experience to families who need childcare. I'm able to travel up to 10 miles to pr... Read More
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He's a crib climber!! My 2 y.o keeps escaping
7 Likes 10 Replies
Not sure if I’m ready to step away from my job for the baby - help!
3 Likes 7 Replies
Any tips for long flights?
1 Like 0 Replies
Is it normal that my infant's poop is green?
2 Likes 6 Replies