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Babysitter in Lumberton, NC
I'm located in Lumberton, NC and have 20 years of childcare experience as a babysitter. Let me know what area you are in so I can ensure I c... Read More
I'm located in Lumberton, NC and have 5 years of childcare experience as a babysitter. I may be willing to travel to offer care. I'm able to... Read More
I've been helping my family members take care of kids since 2013. Since then I've loved helping taking care of kids because I know how hard... Read More
Hello families, I'm excited to meet your families and assist with any nanny or babysitting needs. I grew up in a large family and have alway... Read More
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How long is CCDF approval wait time? Do you have to submit pay stubs earlier with other documents?
4 Likes 4 Replies
3 year old won't stop hitting and won't listen
7 Likes 14 Replies
My 20 month old talks very little
8 Likes 12 Replies
My 2 year old daughter is still crying after 1.5 mos in daycare
11 Likes 41 Replies